

Welcome to FilmRuminations.com. If you are here for reviews of the next Hollywood blockbuster then I am afraid you are in the wrong place. If you are here for a review from the reviewer equivalency of central casting then, again, I am sorry you may be in the wrong place.

However, if you are here to read the brain drippings of someone who occasionally becomes obsessive over hand-painted films or if you want to learn about the hyper collector activities around film preservation and presentation then Hello, welcome, it is my pleasure to offer you my thoughts on films you possibly haven’t seen or did not understand (sorry, I probably don’t understand them either, but I am trying).

I take great pleasure in, time permitting, reading the source materials for the films that I try to understand for the the two of us.

Please note I am not a film student of traditional pedigree, rather I am a fan of film history. This site was originally based on a project of watching the Sight & Sound Top 50 Greatest Films of All Time list. That project is complete. Now I watch movies and occasionally write in depth and occasionally vomit brief thoughts on several films.

Please stay. I will.

If you want to e-mail me please feel free to contact me at skizzfan42@gmail.com

If you prefer twitter I can be found at @admiralbeamish
