The Revenant – A Chance to Praise Emmanuel Lubezki

emmanuel lubezkiemmanuel lubezki

The Revenant

Dir.: Alejandro Inarritu – 2015 – 5.5 – I have never hidden the fact that Emmanuel Lubezki is my favorite cinematographer/DP. I feel equally that I would not have watched The Revenant so intently if Chivo was not involved. I don’t much enjoy decrying films here because I know that my opinion is mine alone. But I would have preferred it if Tom Hardy received more accolades than Leonardo DiCaprio. That is not to say that Leo did not offer up a very fine performance; rather it means that Hardy was superior.

I fully expected to enjoy the film much more than I did. Everyone else spoke so highly of the film but this is a wonderful example of how people don’t, perhaps shouldn’t, agree on everything. So, instead of speaking more ill I will instead leave with a montage of, three time Oscar winner , Emmanuel Lubezki’s work to enjoy.
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