Blu-ray Review – Auntie Mame – Warner Archive

Auntie Mame

Director: Morton DaCosta
Screenplay: Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee
Minutes: 142
Year: 1958
Score: 5.27
Release: Warner Archive

This is a difficult film. Its intent is clearly to combat antisemitism but it wraps that theme up in a bow of other racism. It is well made, sure, but not not entirely relevant today.


Ten-year-old orphan Patrick Dennis has come to live with his nearest relative, and in the high times ahead, he’s not going to believe his luck. Nor will you, because Patrick’s relation is played by one of Hollywood’s grandest dames. Reprising her Broadway triumph, Rosalind Russell received her fourth Oscar® nomination and third Golden Globe Award as the marvelous madcap woman who lives life to the hilt.Auntie Mame brings to bubbly life the mayhem Mame and her cronies create while guiding Patrick’s fortunes. “Life is a banquet,” Mame says, “and most poor suckers are starving to death!” With wit, style and a seasoned cast to dish humor and heart with gusto, Auntie Mame is a full-course meal of entertainment magic.

I want to complete that thought, there is clearly still a value in combating antisemitism but with its horrid treatment of Asian stereotypes the good intentions are difficult to appreciate. In that, alone, I cannot recommend the film to anyone who doesn’t have a pre-existing relationship with the movie.

For those two do, however, lets chat. First I should note that this is the Rosalind Russell version, not the Lucille Ball version, which I haven’t scene and thus cannot compare. The restoration looks great and the colors erupt off of the screen. If you are a fan of the movie then you will really enjoy this new release.

Special Features:

  • Music Only Track
  • Auntie Mame Trailer
  • Mame Trailer

Director: 5 – Cinematography: 7 – Edit: 5 – Parity: 4 – Main performance: 9 – Else performance: 3 – Score: 6 – Sound: 5 – Story: 6 – Script: 4 – Effects: 4 – Design: 7 – Costumes: 6 – Keeps interest: 8 – Lasting: 0
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