Blu-ray Review – Where the Boys Are – Warner Archive

Where the Boys Are

Director: Henry Levin 

Screenplay:  George Wells

Minutes: 99

Year: 1960

Score: 6.20

Release: Warner Archive

Warner Archive’s new release of Where the Boys Are is a charming little gem which helped me to improve an otherwise miserable day. The innocence and amusement was just what I needed.


Four coeds from snowbound Penmore U. know that the only place to be during Spring Break is Where the Boys Are. The rites (and wrongs) of the spring migration of thousands of college students to sunny Fort Lauderdale are celebrated in an era-defining film that combines a cast of 1960s up-and-comers with youthful hijinks and a cautionary will-she-or-won’t-she storyline of sex and romance. Among the girls seeking the perfect tan and man are Dolores Hart, Yvette Mimieux, Paula Prentiss and Connie Francis (who also performs the hit title tune and the zippy “Turn on the Sunshine”). Among the guys: George Hamilton, Jim Hutton and Frank Gorshin. So many chances for love. So little time!

Where the Boys Are is a decent example of a mid-century Hollywood distraction film. Also, to a disappointing level, a white, distraction film. Watching the film in 2017 the lack of substance or diversity is quite notable. But it is a decent distraction. (Of course it can easily be said that films like this act as a precursor to a modern ideology of sexual ambiguity and obligation, but that may be too heavy for this essay).

This is a fun flick which could earn a very wide audience with this current release. Aside from obvious suggestive sexual content I image this would score a G rating, maybe a PG, but I am note too sure there is a big difference these day.

Unfortunately, I don’t think it can find that magical modern audience and will fall between the cracks as it is surrounded by decades of bland romantic comedies with more modern generational projectionists, (read moms).

Again, and this is important, I liked this movie. It captured the theme better than many others within the genre and deserves points for that, alone.

It was a complete pleasure when Frank Gorshin, The Riddler from the original Batman series and Bele from the original Star Trek series (both were important to a young rumination). In the film Gorshin plays a beatnick jazz musician which brings me to the great 50’s, jazz, score that will entertain you during some of the stories weaker moments.

You will be entertained, and that really is the point, is it not?

Special Features:

  • Commentary with Paula Prentiss
  • Where The Boys Were: A Retrospective
  • Ford Lauderdale Scene of the World Premiere
  • Theatrical Trailer

Remember, you can always find a great selection of Warner Archive films over at and many of them are streaming at!

Director: 6 – Cinematography: 8 –  Edit: 5 – Parity: 6 – Main performance: 7 – Else performance: 4 – Score: 8 – Sound: 6 – Story: 6 – Script: 7 – Effects: 5 – Design: 6 – Costumes: 7 – Keeps interest: 7 – Lasting: 5
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