Hiya Friends, an update

Hello dear reader,

I have been quiet, I know. One would presume that a pandemic that whittles time into a pile of meaningless moments would generate ample time to fill your feeds with reel ramblings, yet it has not.

Earlier this year I decided that 2020 would be the year I would bring my to watch pile to heel. I did not expect I would be completing that by the end of May, this, to be clear, is the proverbial stack of physical media, not everything that I want to see. Anyway, I have been spending this time mainlining these films. Doing this will free up time to revisit what I really want to write about.

Thank you for sticking with me. Last week I was a guest on David Blakeslee’s wonderful Criterion Reflections podcast. I’m the one who sounds like he doesn’t have anything to bring to the table. You can find that over here.

I hope to be more active in the near future and will see you again, then.

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