Good Boys
Director: Gene Stupnistsky

Minutes: 89
Year: 2019
Score: 4.33
Release: UPHE
This movie is blissfully short. Of the 34 films from 2019 I have seen Good Boys is number 34. While I can see its intent it is a dreadfully inappropriate movie.
Just how bad can one day get? The creative minds behind Superbad and Sausage Party take on sixth grade hard in this innocent yet raunchy comedy. 12-year-olds Max, Thor, and Lucas decide to skip school in an attempt to learn how to kiss in time for a kissing party. Their odyssey of epically bad decisions involves some accidentally stolen drugs, frat-house paintball, and running from both the cops and terrifying teenage girls!
I want to clear up the inappropriate claim. I have seen many films that are less appropriate than this, BUT, 12-year-olds are not the target audience. I don’t want this to come across as a morality crusader, one of my favorite genres is Italian cannibal films and I have no problem with that being known. But Italian cannibal films are not targeted to children.
I don’t have a 12-year-old boy so I can’t vouch for the language, but I cannot help from thinking it isn’t this. The opinion I got from the film is that this is what mothers think other people’s children say. I don’t know.

There is a silver lining, though, the film does handle consent rather well. So that’s something.
I do have a copy to give away, HERE, so I would love to hear if your opinion is different.
I had zero interest in digging into the special features.
Special Features:
- Alternate Ending
- Deleted and Extended Scenes
- Boys For Real
- Gag Reel
- Welcome to Vancouver
- A Fine Line
- Ask Your Parents
- Bad Girls
- Guest Stars
- Feature Commentary by Director/Co-Writer Gene Stupnitsky and Producer/Co-Writer Lee Eisenberg
Director: 5 – Cinematography: 6 – Edit: 5 – Parity: 4 – Main performance: 6 – Else performance: 1 – Score: 7 – Sound: 5 – Story: 3 – Script: 1 – Effects: 5 – Design: 5 – Costumes: 5 – Keeps interest: 7 – Lasting: 0